Raine slowly opens the door to his shed. It'd be empty in there if it wasn't for one Rose. They're tied up, and have several chunks of flesh and hair taken from their body. Raine walks in, brandishing a hacksaw. He looks over Rose. They're still asleep. That's good. Maybe they won't feel it this time.
He kneels down and begins sawing away at some flesh on their arm, getting some jagged cuts, though relatively clean. He's good with tools. Every chunk of flesh that he takes from her is put in a small ziplock bag. Once he's finishes, Raine gets back up, and walks outside again. The sun is bright, though the air is cold. He walks inside his house, where Lucille and Roxy are asleep. Raine's sister is also asleep, probably upstairs.
Raine walks to his room. It's messy, but not in a normal sense. There's a lot of computers. Like, a lot. And they're all connected by some sort of fleshy, pulsating wiring. It appears to be bleeding at some parts, and it also appears to be slowly spreading across the walls and ceiling. All of the screens have one of two symbols. One of them being the sigil of Sorath, the other being the Wired symbol from Serial Experiments Lain. Raine takes the bag of flesh, removes the flesh from the bag, and puts it in some sort of incubator hooked up to the computer. He then looks over to another computer. There's something spilling out of one of the slots.