November 23, 2019

Kiera is waiting at a local park, brandishing one of their knives. Theyre wearing layered, baggy clothing and their hair is dirty blonde and fluffy. They smell like almonds and their glasses are smudged and a tad dirty. Ascelli approaches with an axe hoisted over his shoulder. His pink and black hair is messy, a single stick poking out at some point. He smells slightly of cotton candy, and is dressed in a slightly ripped fishnet shirt, a hoodie, and ripped jeans.

Kiera eyes them. "Are you the ass chelli"

Ascelli rolls her eyes and brandishes her axe, “And you're the furry?”

"No thats your mom." They attempt to throw a knife at Ascellis shoulder. It scratches their shoulder a tad.

Ascelli scrunches her face in response, taking a swing with the axe, “Asshat! Thats one of my nice shirts!” It barely nicks her.

Kiera backs up. "Get fucked." They try to stab them in the side. They miss!

She snickers, “Damn you're shit at this.” She tries to drive the butt of the axe into Kiera’s gut. It makes contact, but not particularly well.

They grunt and move back. "You're not much better." They attempt to stab them in the shoulder. Ascelli hisses in pain and stumbles back, quickly swinging the axe in Kieras direction.

“FUCK YOU-“ It barely hits at all, wapping them on the nose. Ascelli winces in pain and holds her bleeding wound. Kiera tries to shove them to the ground. Ascelli stumbles again, using the momentum to try and swing around and hit her leg. It works, the axe catching her in the calf as she screams in pain and crumples to the ground She falls on one knee, letting the blood drip from the axe. “Fucking furries.”

Kiera rummages in their jacket, taking out a first aid kit and extending it to Ascelli. "Patch yourself up first- or I can do it if you dont know how-" They wince in pain.

Ascelli takes it and offers a hand to shake, “Fair fight, we good?”

Kiera nods. "We good." It shakes her hand.

She begins applying pressure and wrapping her wound with gauze dressing, she seems thorough. “You know how to patch yourself up?”

They nod. "Yeah,,"

Ascelli hands the kit over, “You're good with a knife.”

"Thanks,," They take it and bandage themselves. "You're good with an ax"

“I volunteered as a firefighter for a week and stole it.” She seems overly proud of it.

That makes Kiera chuckle! "Nice one." They collect their knives, wiping off the blood onto the grass

She snickers a bit, “And you owe me fishnets and a hoodie.”

"I have no money"

“Yeah neither do I, its called stealing.”

"Then steal em yourself, I got a bad leg now" they say lightheartedly.

She rolls her eyes, “Just stuff it down your bra, what're they gonna do?”

"I dont wear a bra." They blink at them

“You have a binder?”

"No" They tilt their head

“Damn. Guess you owe me some other way.”


She shrugs, “I dont fuckin know bestie, pancakes?”

"Maybe one day," They laugh a little and try to stand, wincing as they do

“Can you walk?”

"Probably-" They say, starting to limp

“Let me know if you need help getting back to the nerdy pizza girls house.”

"Okay! I should be good though- thanks,," Kiera smiles and limps back to Lucille's house! Ascelli heads back to her woods.